Route One

The team at Route One provide one-to-one and group support within a flexible range of two to eight hours a week as well as accommodation to 50 adults with mental health and complex needs, including dual diagnosis.

Route One is part of the Mental Health Accommodation Pathway, jointly commissioned by Brighton and Hove City Council and the Integrated Care Board.

The service provides a dynamic, flexible approach to supporting people with mental health and complex needs, incorporating the recovery model, trauma informed care and working within a psychological informed framework.

We are a well-established and respected service within Brighton and Hove, largely due to our expertise and experience in supporting clients to achieve greater independence, and for the positive outcomes achieved throughout the service.

As a specialist mental health service, Route One works closely and effectively with Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, including East and West ATS, Community Rehabilitation Team, Assertive Outreach Team, Early Intervention in Psychosis Team and the Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Team.

These partnerships are invaluable as they enable people to experience a comprehensive package of support which supports their physical and mental wellbeing, as well as maximising their opportunities to live more independently in the future.

Our Aims

Our aim at Route One is to provide intensive support and accommodation to enable clients to move on to independent living within two years.

Route One empowers clients through one-to-one and group support to enable them to develop life-skills, maintain their tenancies and to improve their mental health and wellbeing.

We work within the wellbeing model, which focuses on all areas of life and enables clients to become fully integrated members of the community. This includes areas such as mental and physical health, social inclusion, and work and learning.

The core hours are Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.  On weekends two staff members are based at Dorset Gardens between 9am and 5pm to provide crisis support and phone support to all clients.

The project offers a variety of accommodation

  1. Carlisle Road: 14 self-contained flats.
  2. Aymer Road: 14 self-contained flats.
  3. Westbourne Gardens: 1 self-contained flat and 4 units of shared accommodation.
  4. Sackville Gardens: 1 self-contained flat and 4 units of shared accommodation.
  5. Dorset Gardens: 6 units of shared accommodation.
  6. Davigdor Road: 1 self-contained flat and 4 two bedroom flats with shared facilities.

How to refer into the service

All new referrals should be made via Brighton & Hove City Council’s Brokerage Service.

Brokerage can only accept referrals made via a Lead Practitioner / Mental Health Team, and we are unable to accept self-referrals.

If you are not under the care of a Lead Practitioner / Mental Health Team, please liaise with your GP who, where appropriate, can refer you to a mental health assessment team.

Contact Details

144 London Rd, Brighton BN1 4PH

Manager: San Sehjal

Deputy Manager: Michela Jackson

Deputy Manager: Elliot Tatler


Poor mental health is both a cause and consequence of homelessness. BHT Sussex understands the importance of good mental health for preventing homelessness, which is why we have a number of supported accommodation services that offer much needed mental health assistance. One of these is Route One, which provides supported accommodation for 60 adults with mental health support needs in Brighton and Hove. This is the story of Salah, who was supported by Route One. Salah is a 37-year-old man who came to the UK as a refugee from Sudan in 2012. Following the traumatic events that he suffered through … Read more


Recovery from mental ill health and moving into independent accommodation can take several years and requires individuals rebuilding many parts of their lives. This is the account of one client from the Route One Project, another of BHT Sussex’s mental health services.

“Around five years ago my journey began in the Route One Project and from the bottom of my heart l am so thankful to you all for picking me up and dusting me off, ready for the new chapter l am in now. l am taking the skills and tools as l call it in to sustaining independent living in so many aspects. I moved into my council property in March 2018 and what we have achieved in the time in the project has been champion. I say we because that is what it has been – a team effort.

“I have Bipolar One and when l came to Route One l was in a state and l had just moved out of a hostel for homeless people. I am not putting down the great work they do but it was making my illness worse, resulting in me being admitted to hospital.


When a person has experienced many setbacks in life, it can be difficult to find a positive way forward. Prior to coming to Route One, our mental health supported accommodation, Alice was finding it hard to cope with mental and physical health needs, a breakdown of familial relationships and substance use issues. We helped Alice gain the support she needed to see a brighter future away from sofa surfing and into independent accommodation. This is her story. When Alice was referred to Route One, she had complex needs inclusive of emotionally unstable personality disorder, and challenges with depression and intrusive … Read more


When someone experiences so many difficulties in life, it can be hard to figure out where to even start to address their situation. At Route One, our team are highly knowledgeable and skilled in helping people who have mental health and/or complex needs. Erica is a previous resident of Route One who was helped by the team to take control of her life and address the difficulties she was facing. This is her story.


Living with unsupported mental health needs can make reaching personal goals seem unimaginable and unrealistic. However, through the support offered at Route One, our mental health supported accommodation, we help set our clients on the path to meet their goals and feel more in control of their own lives. This was the case with Eleanor, who gained the tools to move on with her life after coming to Route One. This is her story. Eleanor is a 32 year old woman who was living with undiagnosed bipolar disorder and emotionally unstable personality disorder (EUPD). Eleanor was struggling with alcohol and … Read more

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