The Archway Project provides 24-hour residential care to adults with mental health care and support needs across three properties in Hove.
We aim to work collaboratively with residents to develop life skills and manage their mental health and wellbeing with greater confidence, while applying recovery and person-centred principles.
Archway, 9 Portland Road – 9 units of accommodation
Archway, 59 Sackville Gardens – 5 units of accommodation
Archway, 57 Sackville Gardens ‘Step-Down’ (hospital discharge) – 5 units of accommodation
Our three homely properties are based in quiet residential areas in Hove. We have a team of experienced and compassionate staff who respect the needs and wishes of clients and tailor their support to the individual. Our team promote greater independence by helping to build clients’ confidence and resilience. We promote a community environment at our services where clients and staff collaborate to prepare meals, upkeep the houses, and participate in community and in-house activities. We work closely with mental and physical health, social care, housing, and safeguarding teams to ensure that our clients have access to the support they need and that this is well coordinated. We put the person at the heart of our services and seek to support individuals to make choices that are right for them.
The services are contracted with the Integrated Care Board and are regulated by the Care Quality Commission.
Click the tabs below to read about each of our properties.
Archway provides:
- 24 hours a day staffing, with sleeping nights (10pm-8am).
- Allocation of a keyworker and co keyworker to coordinate care and support needs.
- 1-1 support with regular reviews of support and risk plans.
- Administration of medication with the aim of supporting clients to self-administer where achievable safely.
- Communal living with residents and staff participating in communal cooking and cleaning. We also have house meetings and client Involvement meetings which help shape the service and support.
Our approach is holistic, person centred, and strengths based. We focus on building trusting relationships with our residents to develop appropriately paced support and motivation to achieve their potential in a safe and welcoming environment.
Our service focuses on:
Enabling people who have a history of being devalued, disempowered or denied opportunities to enjoy a range of activities and experiences, and connect with their community.
- Empowering people through the development of life skills and goal-focused support planning to enable them to maintain their accommodation and to manage their mental health and wellbeing.
- Working collaboratively with people in a person-centred way to shape and influence the service they receive, and empowering our residents to lead on their own recovery with more self-awareness and confidence.
- Working within the Recovery Model, focussing on individual strengths, self-determination, responsibility, hope, and dignity.
- Supporting people to find suitable future accommodation opportunities, which is appropriate to their needs and of their choice.
Eligibility criteria
(For full eligibility criteria, please contact Brokerage or Archway directly)
9 Portland Road & 59 Sackville Gardens
- 18+ years old
- have a primary mental health support need
- have a Care Act Assessment outlining eligibility for residential care for their mental health support needs and funding to meet the costs of the service
- are under the care of a multi-disciplinary team i.e. the treatment of a community mental health service with an assigned Lead Practitioner
- require 24-hour staffing provision with sleeping nights between 10pm and 8am
- motivation to engage with a recovery focused support plan
- do not require nursing care
*Average placement length of 2 years, at which point we hold a placement review to determine whether the stay would benefit from being extended, flexibility can be provided where it is agreed that the placement continues to be of therapeutic benefit and where the licence agreement terms have been reasonably upheld.
Step Down - 57 Sackville Gardens
The above eligibility criteria for 9 Portland Road and 59 Sackville and in addition:
- clinically ready for discharge
- agreed that a stay at the service would be helpful and consent to work with the service to address ongoing stabilisation and rehabilitation needs
- motivation to engage with a recovery focused support plan to enable a move on to future accommodation within a 16-week timeframe
*Step-Down provides short term (up to 16 weeks), intensive support for people who are medically fit to leave hospital but do not have longer term accommodation and/or support in place and who need support to recover their skills and confidence to live more independently.
CQC rating
BHT Sussex Archway has received an overall CQC rating of ‘Outstanding’.
To read the full reports please follow the links below:
How to refer into the service
All new referrals should be made via Brighton & Hove City Council’s Brokerage Service.
Brokerage can only accept referrals made via a Mental Health Team / Lead Practitioner, and we are unable to accept self-referrals.
If you are not under the care of a Mental Health Team / Lead Practitioner, please liaise with your GP who, where appropriate, can refer you to a mental health assessment team.
Volunteering opportunities
Archway offers members of the community a range of volunteering opportunities. To find out more please contact Mollie Holland via email [email protected]