The In Court Duty Scheme at Lewes County Court

The In Court Duty Scheme is part of the Housing Loss Prevention Advice Scheme providing last-minute emergency advice for people facing eviction who have a court hearing.

A specialist Housing Adviser from BHT Sussex attends the County Court in Lewes when possession cases are being heard.

We would strongly recommend you contact BHT Sussex’s Eastbourne Housing Advice Service as soon as you are given notice of possession by your landlord or mortgage company.

This service is available to all who are facing eviction or repossession who have a hearing listed on that day, you can be a tenant or own your own home. Our Adviser might be very busy on the day, so you need to arrive at court about 30 minutes before your hearing is listed.

When you arrive, ask at the court for the BHT Sussex Duty Adviser.

Eastbourne Advice Centre

BHT Sussex Eastbourne Advice
Highlight House
8 St Leonard's Road
BN21 3UH

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