Eastbourne Advice Service

BHT Sussex’s Eastbourne Advice Service works throughout Eastbourne, Wealden and Lewes


Eastbourne Advice Service

BHT Sussex’s Eastbourne Advice Service works throughout Eastbourne, Wealden and Lewes

Our Services in Eastbourne

Specialist Housing Advice

BHT Sussex Eastbourne Advice’s specialist housing advice team are able to provide free and confidential advice to people on possession action, homelessness, suitability of accommodation, tenancy rights, disrepair and allocations policies

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The In Court Duty Scheme

The In Court Duty Scheme provides last-minute emergency advice for people facing eviction who have a court hearing. A specialist Housing Advisor from BHT Sussex attends the County Court in Lewes when repossession cases are being heard

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Macmillan Welfare Benefits Advice Service

The Macmillan Welfare Benefits Advice Service provides free and confidential welfare benefits advice for people living with cancer, their families and carers.

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Eastbourne Advice Service

Highlight House, Suite 14,
St Leonard’s Road,
Eastbourne, BN21 3UH

Telephone: 01323 642615

Email: [email protected]

Mike's Story

Last year our advice services in Brighton, Eastbourne and Hastings prevented 817 households from becoming homeless. The impact of this is huge: fewer people on the streets, less demands on local council homelessness services, or moving children away from the schools and their friends. Some people become homeless, not through any fault of their own.

Mike moved into a Housing Association flat in 1980.  A few months later he was offered a job as a caretaker at a nearby social club - a job he did for 36 years until he was made redundant.  In 1996 he had moved to another flat owned by the housing association, but unbeknown to him, his employers had taken a sub-lease on the flat.  In law, his employer had become his landlord.  The social club went into liquidation.

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