East Sussex Floating Support Service

The East Sussex Floating Support Service provides short-term housing-related floating support across East Sussex for vulnerable people, aged 16+, who require support to live independently.


What the Service provides

mother and childOur team of experienced staff provide flexible, personalised, short-term support including preventing homelessness, managing a tenancy, money management and accessing healthcare. Support will be provided in people’s own homes, via phone or video call, or in community venues.

We support people who are:
  • At risk of losing their accommodation. This could include facing eviction because of landlord problems, being in rent or mortgage arrears, causing or experiencing anti-social behaviour, or being subject to domestic abuse, harassment or hate crimes
  • Requiring support to sustain their accommodation and live independently. We provide short-term support to resolve housing-related issues such as home adaptations and daily living equipment, reducing energy bills, dealing with utilities arrears, or acquiring suitable white goods and furniture
  • Living in temporary accommodation including hostels and bed and breakfasts who need support to access and maintain more sustainable accommodation
  • Living in unsuitable accommodation or unsafe situations. For example, if the property is over-crowded, in disrepair or is unsafe, including where there is domestic abuse, or a property is causing a health condition to deteriorate
  • Moving into new accommodation. We support people to find suitable accommodation, set up new tenancies and settle into a new home, with tasks such as setting up utilities, acquiring furniture and accessing local amenities and community support

We also signpost individuals and/or carers and family members to health and social care services, education, training and employment providers, and voluntary and community services that will assist with accessing and maintaining housing and living independently.


We welcome referrals for people who are resident in East Sussex, are aged 16 and over, are vulnerable and have support needs due to for example age, disadvantage, disability, substance misuse or ill health, and who are experiencing one or more of the following housing related issues:

  • is losing or is at risk of losing their accommodation
  • is living in temporary/emergency accommodation
  • is living in unsuitable housing
  • has no accommodation
  • requires resettlement support
  • requires support to maintain their independence or is at risk of losing their independence due to their housing situation
  • requires support to move to accommodation that will better meet their needs

The Service is not available for people who:  

  • are street homeless
  • are not ordinarily resident in East Sussex, including where people have been placed in temporary or other accommodation in East Sussex by another Local Authority

Accessing the Service

Residents aged 16-59

Residents aged 16-59 are required to be referred by one of the following organisations to be eligible for the Service:
  • East Sussex County Council Adult Social Care (ASC) and Children’s Services
  • Local Housing Authorities, including Rother District Council, Lewes and Eastbourne Councils, Wealden District Council and Hastings Borough Council
  • Care for the Carers
  • ASC commissioned Supported Accommodation Services
  • The East Sussex Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC)
  • The Department for Work and Pensions
  • The Council’s Warm Home Check Service Provider
  • Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust
  • Health in Mind
  • Citizens Advice Bureau (all branches in East Sussex)
  • Hastings Advice and Representation Centre (HARC)
  • Social Prescribers based at GP practices across East Sussex
  • The Stroke Association
  • Macmillan Counselling Service
  • Community Stroke Rehabilitation Team
We are not able to accept self-referrals for people in this age group.

If you work for one of these services and wish to refer someone to us, please click here to fill in and submit a referral form. You will receive an emailed copy of your completed referral form.

Referred clients will be contacted within 2 working days of receipt of referral (or sooner if an urgent response is required).

If you do not work for a service listed above, please read the following information about where to obtain information about housing and or support needs:

  • If you or your client has care and support needs or cares for someone who does, Health and Social Care Connect (HSCC) offers the public and professionals a single point of access for adult health and social care enquiries, assessments, services and referrals
  • If you or your client has a child/children and their housing problems are placing the child/children at risk, contact the Single Point of Advice in Children’s Services
  • If you or your client, including those with children (whether or not they have care and support needs) are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, contact the local Housing Options Team

Contact details of our main referral agencies:

You can find out more about this service in our Information leaflet for those aged 16-59.

Referral enquiries e-mail:

General enquiries telephone number: 01273 929394

Residents aged 60 and over

If you, or someone you know, is over 60 and in need of support with housing issues – from difficulties with debts and benefits, repairs, landlords and neighbours – to getting support to manage your mental health or substance misuse, you can apply for support.

Residents aged 60 and over can self-refer to the service or be referred by any individual or agency.

You can find out more about this service in our Information leaflet for those over 60 or call 0800 023 9380 (freephone) to refer yourself.

To refer an individual to this service, please click here to fill in and submit a referral form.

The person referred will be contacted within 2 working days of receipt of the referral (or sooner if an urgent response is required).

Contact Details

Referral e-mail:

Telephone for general enquiries: 01273 929394

Telephone for self-referrals: 0800 023 9380 (freephone)

East Sussex County Council funding reductions

East Sussex County Council need to make savings of £55 million in the next financial year and BHT Sussex East Sussex Floating Support Service is facing a significant proposed funding reduction from October 2025.

This reduction would constitute 88.5% of the current service, with funding of £4.5 million per annum being cut to £500,000 per annum.

BHT Sussex have run the service for the past 3 years. In the past 12 months, the service has worked with 5,500 East Sussex residents, supporting single people and families who are facing a range of housing related issues. We support people who are at imminent risk of homelessness or who need to move to more secure accommodation, people who require support to remain in their current accommodation, people who need support regarding domestic abuse, harassment and hate crime, people who need to claim benefits that they are entitled to, and people who need to reduce debt that is putting their housing at risk.

The service receives referrals from a range of Statutory and Non-Statutory services across East Sussex. In the last 12 months:

  • 5,497 people or households have been supported
  • The total no. of people in these households was 10,399
  • 1,287 of these households had children
  • 1,116 people were 75 years old +

Sign our Petition!

The final decision on funding will be made by elected members in February 2025. Up until 10 February 2024, if you are a resident of East Sussex, you can make your voice heard by signing our petition to protect this essential service.

Please click here to sign our petition to protect the BHT Sussex East Sussex Floating Support Service.


Wendy and her adult son, who both live with autism, were facing severe housing challenges. Wendy is the sole carer of her son, who has mobility issues, and they were living in a property that was unfit for habitation. This is Wendy’s story. Wendy’s home was in a state of severe disrepair, with frequent flooding rendering the downstairs of the house uninhabitable. The constant environmental hazards worsened the challenges for Wendy and her son, making it increasingly difficult for both to maintain any sense of stability or comfort in their living conditions. Additionally, both Wendy and her son were agoraphobic … Read more


Support for those in their old age looks different for everyone. This is why our East Sussex Floating Support Service individually tailors support to each person we serve. Stan’s case exemplifies the importance of this way of working. This is his story. Stan is a 90-year-old retired barrister who was referred to our East Sussex Floating Support Service by the NHS Community Frailty Practitioner Service, following his discharge from hospital after a fall. Stan is widowed, has a history of falls, and had recently moved into a sheltered housing scheme. However, the scheme had no floor coverings, contributing to his … Read more


Navigating the benefits system can be incredibly difficult, which is why our staff in the East Sussex Floating Support Service are highly trained and knowledgeable about the system. This allows us to help many people across East Sussex who are struggling to access benefits and ultimately improve their quality of life. One such person is Dinah, who came to us for help accessing more financial support. This is her story. The Initial Challenge Dinah is a homeowner who lives with a variety of health conditions, including osteoarthritis, diabetes, hypertension, mobility issues, and has a history of falls. Due to having … Read more


Mia, a 75-year-old Spanish woman, was living in sheltered accommodation and had been facing significant financial difficulties for approximately five years due to an ongoing issue with her National Insurance (NI) number. This issue caused her benefits to be repeatedly stopped and reinstated, leading to substantial gaps in income. Without consistent benefits, Mia fell behind on her rent, accruing significant arrears, and was at risk of homelessness. This is her story. The Initial Challenge The root cause of the problem was an error made when Mia first registered for benefits: she was assigned the NI number of another individual with … Read more

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