Systems Change
Achieving systems change was at the heart of the Fulfilling Lives Programme.
People with multiple and complex needs often face barriers to receiving effective support because of the way systems and services are designed and delivered. This includes both statutory and non-statutory systems and services.
The purpose of our Systems Change work was to encourage, facilitate and nurture positive change in support systems for people with multiple and complex needs and to create lasting impact in our communities.
Ripple Effect: Systems change principles and methods of Fulfilling Lives South East project
This report captures eight years of our project learning, translating theory into practice, and offers guidance and support to readers looking to take forward future system changes across Sussex and beyond.
Download this report by clicking by clicking on the brochure image (PDF, 7Mb)
Ripple Effect: Systems change impacts of Fulfilling Lives South East project.
This report summarises the impact of our thematic project work and outlines what should happen next to improve local support systems for people experiencing multiple and complex needs.
Download this report by clicking on the brochure image (PDF, 9Mb)