In the year to 31st March 2024:

We supported 10,374 clients and tenants

2,323 cases of homelessness were prevented.

Our Impact

In our housing and supported accommodation services, we accommodated:


households and individuals across Sussex in our community housing


people in our specialist mental health services


people in our addiction services

people under 25 in our Hastings Young People’s Service
people under 25 in our homeless hostels and other residential services
people in our high support hostel for single homeless people with complex support needs

First Base Day Centre


people were supported by First Base Day Centre


people were helped to move away from rough sleeping


partner agencies worked out of First Base to provide support sessions and specialist clinics

Advice Services


people received advice and legal representation from our centres in Brighton, Eastbourne and Hastings


was raised in income by our welfare benefits advisers for 443 clients

Mental Health and Wellbeing Services


people received mental health support from our Community Mental Health Services in West Sussex


community mental health support groups were run in West Sussex

Find out about the people behind the numbers
read our real life stories

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