Getting Ready for Work Event Success

Over 120 people attended the Getting Ready for Work fair at Friends Meeting House, Ship Street last Thursday morning.

The event, now in its fifth year, brings together local work and learning providers who offer a range of therapeutic, learning and work-related opportunities to BHT clients, tenants and support staff.

Providers at the event offered a wide mix of adult personal interest groups and courses, including gardening and food projects, training in digital, numeracy, literacy, employability and accredited skills, careers, benefits, budgeting and debt advice.

A notable organisation who joined the event were Real Junk Food Project, who cooked up some delicious hot soup, SWIM UK, Varndean Adult Learning and CAP. Other highlights included therapy dogs Daisy and Trumpers and the harmonious Cascade Creative Café Choir.

A huge thank you to all who participated in the event.

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