BHT Marks Learning At Work Week

Learning at Work Week is an annual event in May organised by the Campaign for Learning and has taken place since 1999. It aims to put a spotlight on the importance and benefits of learning and development at work.

A range of events have been arranged to mark Learning at Work Week.  BHT encourages clients and staff with their personal development, this week brings a particular focus on these initiatives.  Events include lunchtime jazz, sessions around maths and numeracy, literacy and introduction to coaching.  All sessions are perfect for all abilities.

For more information on sessions and to reserve a place, please email [email protected]

It often takes a simple taster session for people to open up to the possibilities of personal development.  One of the most rewarding aspects of my job is to see people blossom when, previously, they might have resistance to learning and development going back many, many years. Maths and numeracy are particularly good examples of this, so on Wednesday, which is National Numeracy Day, we have lots of myths-buster sessions, a Skills Health Check, and a fun quiz around maths.

Anna Muten, Training and Development Co-ordinator at BHT’s Accommodation for Work Project


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