News & Events
BHT Sussex is the new provider of floating support services in East Sussex
East Sussex County Council, working with partners in the Local Housing Authorities has selected BHT Sussex as the new provider of the Floating Support Service in the County after a full competitive tendering exercise. We will...
Warm clothing and other donations needed for homeless people
BHT Sussex is appealing for donations of warm clothes, shoes, underwear and other items to help protect our clients in the cold winter months. BHT Sussex runs First Base, the largest resource centre for homeless people...
BHT Sussex seeks new Board Members
Do you know people who care passionately about social justice, the need to end homelessness and provide housing, and the challenge of providing life-changing services across Sussex? We are looking for new members for the BHT...
Fulfilling Lives learning event 21st September 2021
How do we move towards becoming a trauma informed system? We are now into our final year of the 8 year Fulfilling Lives project and our focus is on capturing and disseminating our learning in order...
BHT Sussex appoints new Chair
Here at BHT Sussex we are delighted to announce that we have appointed Kelvin MacDonald as our new Chair of Trustees. He will take over from long-standing Chair, Joan Mortimer, in December. Kelvin is a Senior...
Tackling climate change at BHT Sussex
This July BHT Sussex launched a new Environmental Strategy, acknowledging the climate crisis as the biggest threat to humanity in the coming years. The urgent need for action to reduce our collective impact on our environment...
New funding for project supporting working homeless people
A BHT Sussex project that helps people who are homeless to get off the streets and into employment has successfully secured an additional three years of funding from the National Lottery Community Fund. The project, which...
Lighthouse magazine – Summer edition out now!
The Summer 2021 edition of Lighthouse Magazine, our quarterly magazine for clients and tenants, is out now. Articles cover a range of topics including highlights from our last Tenant Annual Snapshot Survey, and updates about Covid-19...
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