The 2021/2022 Annual Snapshot Survey Report now available!

We are pleased to present the 2021/2022 BHT Sussex Annual Tenants’ and Clients’ Annual Snapshot Survey Report. Inside are:

  • Results for both client and tenant services question by question,
  • An analysis of these results,
  • Survey return rates service by service
  • Issues arising for each service from their respective survey results
  • Actions each service intends to take to deal with these identified issues

More than 500 surveys were processed in total, and the data provided and issues arising are already being used to create action plans and focus groups to ensure the services we provide to our clients and tenants continue to go from strength to strength.

Overall satisfaction with our services has remained strong at 92%, and it was great to see improvements from last year’s survey in areas such as ‘communication’, ‘complaints handling’, ‘being kept informed’ and ‘listens to and acts on views’.

For the first time the results of the newly acquired service, East Sussex Floating Support Service, were included in the survey, with excellent results right across the board.

The report can be viewed here. If you have any queries please contact Alasdair Tenquist on [email protected].


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