Useful contacts

Useful Contacts

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Your Housing Officer

Our Housing Officers work out in our communities and are available to deal with tenancy related queries such as discussing housing options or dealing with anti-social behaviour.

They hold regular drop-ins in the local offices and can arrange to meet you outside of these times either in our offices or at your home. To find out when the drop-in is for your local area please contact your Housing Officer directly or call 01323 340018.

Please note, the Housing Officers only deal with current BHT Sussex tenants. For other housing advice, please visit Specialist Housing, Benefits and Immigration Advice.

Brighton and Hove

Daisy Fellowes on 07786 856478 (select option 5). Email [email protected].

For BHT Sussex tenants only.

Eastbourne and Hastings

Shirley Bridle on 07824306591 (selection option 6). Email [email protected].

For BHT Sussex tenants only.

Income Recovery Officers

Traci Brooks

[email protected] 01323 340018 (Option 2)

Shirley Campbell

[email protected] 01424 445354 (Option 3)

General Contacts

Police non-emergency number 101
UK power networks (to find out who your electricity supplier is) 0845 6015467
Jobcentre plus (new benefit claims) 0800 055 6688
Existing claims (JSA, ESA, IS) 0345 608 8545
Universal credit 0345 600 0723
BHT Housing Services 01323 340018 (select option 5)
Emergency repairs - gas, boiler, central heating (office hours) 020 8336 6767
Emergency repairs - gas, boiler, central heating (out of hours) 0800 0304435
Emergency repairs - lock changes and lost keys 07493 223016
Emergency repairs - fire alarms, alarm faults, smoke detectors, emergency lighting 01323 729420
Emergency repairs - other (at any time) 01323 340018 (select option 1)


Police non-emergency number 101
UK power networks (to find out who your electricity supplier is) 0845 6015467
Jobcentre plus (new benefit claims) 0800 055 6688
Existing claims (JSA, ESA, IS) 0345 608 8545
Universal credit 0345 600 0723
BHT Housing Services 01323 340018 (select option 5)
Emergency repairs - gas, boiler, central heating (office hours) 020 8336 6767
Emergency repairs - gas, boiler, central heating (out of hours) 0800 0304435
Emergency repairs - lock changes and lost keys 07493 223016
Emergency repairs - fire alarms, alarm faults, smoke detectors, emergency lighting 01323 729420
Emergency repairs - other (at any time) 01323 340018 (select option 1)


Eastbourne Borough Council 01323 410000
Housing Benefit 01323 410000
Furniture Now 01323 638000
Eastbourne Refuse Collection/Cleansing 01323 410000
Jobcentre plus Eastbourne 0345 604 3719
Eastbourne CAB (Advice line) 03444 111 444
Eastbourne CAB (Administration) 01323 413480
Eastbourne Homemove team 01323 415 397


Hastings Borough Council general enquiries 01424 451066
Hastings Homemove 0845 274 1100
Hastings Housing Advice 01424 451100
Benefits 01424 451080
Council Tax 01424 451081
Hastings Environmental Protection (reporting noise nuisance) 01424 451079
Refuse and Recycling 01424 451077
Hastings CAB 03444 111 444
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