Emergency repairs
Please call the following number whether you need assistance during or out of office hours:
01323 340018 (Select option 1)
General repairs
Call 01323 340018 (select option 1)
Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm
Out of hours, Monday to Friday after 5pm and at weekends call the below numbers.
Out of office emergency call outs
Please call the following numbers if you need assistance during out of office hours:
Redman Howard:
Please call 07493 223016 for all repairs, lock changes and lost keys.
Robert Heath Heating:
If your emergency repair relates to your gas boiler or gas central heating system:
0333 014 1000 (Out of hours)
Eastbourne Alarms:
If your emergency repair relates to fire alarms, alarm faults, smoke detectors or emergency lighting:
If your repair relates to any of the below email the correct emails.
We want you to enjoy living in your home, so aim to provide an excellent repairs service to all of our tenants.
Once your repair has been raised we will send you the details of the contractor it has been allocated to and the expected completion date of the works as well as a short satisfaction survey for you to send back to us once the job has been completed.
To help us provide an efficient repairs service, please could you:
- report any problems as soon as possible
- give us as much detail as you can about the problem
- ensure we have the correct contact details for you
- tell us when you are available for an appointment
Each quarter all of our tenants who have completed a repairs survey are entered into a prize draw and can win a £50 Sainsbury’s voucher.
For more information about our repair timescales, the repairs BHT are responsible for and those that tenants are responsible for:
The easiest way to report a non-emergency repair is to login via MyTenancy which is BHT’s online tenancy management service.
Please contact us if you do not have a login to this system.
You can also call 01323 340018 during office hours to speak to one of our Repairs Officers or email them at [email protected]
Alternatively, you can write to BHT Housing Services, Suite 14, Highlight House, St Leonards Road, Eastbourne, BN21 3UH.
Whichever way you contact us please provide the following information:
- your full name and address
- the best contact number to reach you on
- when you are available for an appointment
Please give as much information about the repair as possible including the exact location and nature of the problem. This will make it easier for us to ensure a first time fix.
If your repair related to your gas boiler or central heating system please report this to Robert Heath Heating on 020 8336 6767.
Most of the complaints we receive about dampness turn out to be the result of condensation.
This is caused when moisture carried by warm air reaches a cold surface and turns back into water. You can limit the amount of condensation in your home by doing the following:
- try to keep your home warm enough to avoid having cold surfaces that water vapor can gather on
- not blocking up any vents or airbricks
- leaving gaps between your furniture and the walls
- trying to reduce the amount of water in the air by:
- keeping lids on saucepans when cooking
- opening windows every day
- closing doors to prevent water vapor travelling to colder areas of your home
For more information, please see our leaflet called Managing Condensation