Fundraising Tools and Resources

Collection tins

We’ve got everything you need to plan a successful fundraising event for BHT Sussex:

Download our A4 poster template

Use this poster to advertise your event to the masses and let them know the difference their donations make. View an example of how to use it here.

Maximise your fundraising online

Social media has changed the fundraising world, and it’s now easier than ever to promote an event to your friends and family. Our social media top tips are:

  • Share your story and the reasons why you are fundraising for BHT Sussex
  • Set up a JustGiving page and share this across your Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages
  • Post images or videos in the lead up to your event
  • Thank your supporters after your event and share photos across social media of how it went
  • Tag and follow BHT Sussex in your posts so we can share them too:

Contact your local press

Local newspapers and radio stations often feature stories about people fundraising for their communities. Why not send out a press release about your event?

Remember to cover the 5 Ws (Who, What, When, Where, and Why). You should also include a high-quality photo of at least 1MB, and the details of how people can get involved or donate.

If you would like our help with this, just get in touch! We can also send it out to our networks and help you promote the event.

Contact BHT Sussex & use our resources

Contact the Fundraising and Publicity Team to tell us about your event. We can help you with advice and any further resources you may need. We have BHT Sussex branded collection buckets, collection tins, running vests and thank you cards available. Email us at [email protected].

Community fundraising agreement

We ask all our fundraisers to read and agree to the agreement below. All your fundraising should make it clear that you are fundraising ‘in aid of’ BHT Sussex but that you don’t represent the charity.

Read the Community Fundraising Agreement

Fundraising Regulator

BHT Sussex is registered with the Fundraising Regulator and agrees to the commitments set out in the Code of Fundraising Practice and the Fundraising Promise.

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