Fundraising at home
See our suggestions below on how you can fundraise for us at home, or come up with your own ideas!
Fundraising at home
See our suggestions below on how you can fundraise for us at home, or come up with your own ideas!
There are loads of fun ways you can get involved and support BHT Sussex from the comfort of your own home, whether that's on your own, with the people you live with, or virtually with friends or colleagues. Whatever you decide to do, you'll be helping to secure the future of our services so we can continue to support vulnerable people to make lasting changes to their lives.
Set up a JustGiving page to fundraise for BHT Sussex here.
We ask all our fundraisers to read and agree to our Community Fundraising Agreement. Please ensure that you make it clear that you are fundraising 'in aid of' BHT Sussex and that you don’t represent the charity. We also expect all fundraisers to adhere to the Fundraising Code of Practice which can be found here.
Why not have a clear out and sell your unwanted items on eBay, donating a portion of the sale to BHT Sussex? With eBay for Charity you can sell items and choose a charity to benefit from a portion of your sales. Items that benefit a charity may sell faster and for a higher price than other items. If you donate 10% or more your item will feature an attention-grabbing charity ribbon and may even be listed in the eBay Charity Shop.
What’s more, you’ll be reducing your seller fees and enjoying tax savings. All you need to do is look out for the blue eBay for Charity ribbon when you are setting up your listing and select BHT as your chosen charity. Read more about how to start selling for charity here.
Use Zoom, Facebook, or Google Hangouts to host an online quiz or games night for friends and family. You can set up a JustGiving page and ask people to make a donation to attend. Why not choose a theme for your quiz and ask your friends and family to dress up?
Can you brave the cold British sea in winter? You can set yourself a distance goal, or perhaps swim around the pier or perhaps take a dip in the water once a day for a month in Winter (if safe). Get sponsorships for your bravery on JustGiving.
Why not brave the shave and cut or shave your hair in return for sponsorship from friends and family? If you’re feeling really brave you could even do a sponsored wax! Set up a JustGiving page to raise sponsorship from friends and family and let everyone know what you're up to.
Set yourself a time goal and hold a game-a-thon on your own or online with friends. You can even stream your gaming straight to your JustGiving page using Twitch so the people who support you can see what you’re up to in real time! Set up a JustGiving page here and read more about how to stream your game here. You can also use the new Give as you Live Gaming Hub to stream your game and raise money.
If you have an outdoor space where you can safely do so, why not ask you friends and family to sponsor you to sleep outside for the night? Every night thousands of people up and down the country bed down on our streets and by taking on this challenge and raising money for BHT Sussex, you’ll be helping homeless people in Sussex move away from the streets and into a place they can call home. If you can’t sleep-out safely, then you could choose to stay up all night instead. Have a movie marathon, a chess tournament, a danceathon – anything but sleeping! Set up a JustGiving page to let your friends and family know about your plans and collect donations.
Sweepstakes are a quick and easy way to support BHT Sussex’s work whilst having fun with friends, family, or colleagues. You could do a sweepstake for just about anything – a sporting event, the latest TV series you’re watching, or guess the due date of the baby! Read the guidance below and download our sweepstake templates:
Charity sweepstake rules for success
- Decide the competition for your sweepstake. For example, guess the number of sweets in the jar, or the results of a popular television show or sporting event. You can use our sweepstake posters above to give you some ideas. If you are taking part in a sponsored event such as a run you can ask people to guess your time as a way to boost your fundraising.
- Set the price of each entry e.g. £3.
- Ask your family, friends or colleagues to make a donation for their entry.
- They can pick a possible result from a hat or you can give them one at random.
- Whoever guesses correctly wins a prize and the money raised from the entries will be donated to BHT Sussex.
Television sweepstake template
Host a coffee morning or afternoon tea at a local park and invite your friends along. You can bake lots of treats and people can donate for attending and trying your cakes! You can download and print our BHT Sussex cake toppers and bunting to make your tea party look the part.
Get baking and whip up some delicious goodies to sell at your workplace, school, university or community centre. Bake your favourite treat or find some inspiration from BBC Good Food.
Get out into your neighbourhood and offer to wash cars to make them sparkly clean. All you need is a bucket, sponge, car wash soap and some elbow grease. Collect donations for your hard work and donate to BHT Sussex.
Ask your favourite businesses, family and friends to donate some amazing prizes for a raffle. Sell raffle tickets to your family, friends and colleagues and draw winners a few weeks later. You could make a night out of the raffle draw and host a gala or community event. Donate the money from the raffle tickets to BHT Sussex.
Choose an exercise and push yourself to do it every day for month. You could do 100 press ups a day, do 100 squats a day or swim 100 laps for 30 days. Set up a JustGiving page and collect sponsorships from family, friends and colleagues. You could suggest an amount for each day you complete the challenge eg. £30 for 30 days.
How your support will make a difference
Demand for our services is higher than ever. Our services continue to help people secure safe accommodation, overcome barriers to work and learning, and address issues such as addiction, poverty and mental health.
Your fundraising support will help safeguard the future of our services so we can continue our work and reach even more people who need us.
Let us know about your event
We’d love to hear what you’ve got planned! Email [email protected] to let our fundraising team know about your event, and we’ll let you know how we can support you in your fundraising journey.
Tools and resources
Take a look at our fundraising resources for your fundraising pack and more tools on how to get started with your fundraising.