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Learning and Resources

Fulfilling Lives South East specialised in gathering local evidence on what works when supporting people with multiple and complex needs.

We conducted research, gathered data and collaborated with partners to evaluate new innovative ways of working with this client group.

We valued and incorporated lived experiences by co-producing projects and ensuring client voices were heard in our work.

The resources, tools and reports we have created are available here for your guidance. They are intended to support local services to reflect on and integrate the latest evidence-based practices into day-to-day work, and improve local service offerings for people who have multiple and complex needs.


Ripple Effect: Systems change principles and methods of Fulfilling Lives South East project

This report captures eight years of our project learning, translating theory into practice, and offers guidance and support to readers looking to take forward future system changes across Sussex and beyond.

Ripple Effect: Systems change impacts of Fulfilling Lives South East project

This report summarises the impact of our thematic project work and outlines what should happen next to improve local support systems for people experiencing multiple and complex needs.




Systems Change

Facilitating and achieving real change and improvements in local services and systems.



Working with people who have lived experiences of services and systems.