Upcoming exhibition gives a voice to homeless people

A powerful video and performance exhibition created by members of Brighton’s homeless community premieres at the ONCA Gallery in Brighton from 23-26 May 2019.

The exhibition, entitled ‘I Get Up’, was created collaboratively by three local organisations; BHT’s First Base Day Centre, RAPT Theatre and RBD Design. Its title originated from a collective poem written by participants.

At the heart of the exhibition is a series of films, writing and photography focused on a small group of Brighton-based people, all with experience of homelessness, which explores their lives in the city. The group share their stories and thoughts about the world on camera, resulting in a series of films which are fragmentary, honest and revealing.

The four-day exhibition will share this unique footage alongside the group’s writing, and information about the current housing situation in Brighton and Hove.

Taking part in ‘I Get Up’ proved a highly rewarding experience for many of the participants. One of these participants, Alex said,

I found working with the RAPT Theatre team a really positive experience whilst I have been going through a difficult time in my life. After each session I felt I had achieved something, and I got good insight into other peoples’ experiences and their thoughts.

Kate Porter, an occupational health therapist at First Base said,

The films were powerful, well made and helped marginalised people to have a voice. Most importantly, the participants seem to be really enjoying it, with people joining and returning each week. One regular participant told me it was the highlight of his week.

The exhibition will be running from 23-26 May 2019 at the ONCA Gallery at 14 St George’s Place, in Brighton.

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