Complaints & Compensation
How do I make a complaint?
We aim to give you the best possible service but we know that mistakes and misunderstandings do happen sometimes.
When things don’t work the way they should, we aim to investigate and resolve complaints quickly, effectively and where possible, to your satisfaction.
Firstly, talk to us and we will try to sort things out straight away. If you are unhappy with the outcome, you can use our complaints procedure.
Our complaints procedure has two stages:
- Stage 1 – The complaint goes to the Senior Manager of the particular area.
- Stage 2 – The complaint goes to the Chief Executive or Director of Services.
At each stage, if you are dissatisfied with our response, you can go to the next stage of the complaint procedure.
If you have discussed your complaint informally with us and you are dissatisfied with the outcome you may choose to make a formal complaint. You can make a formal complaint in one of the following ways:
- by completing a Complaints Form – Your Housing Officer can provide you with a copy of this or help you complete it
- by telephone – please call 01323 340018 or your Housing Officer directly
- by email – [email protected]
- Through MyTenancy – BHT’s online platform: please contact us for a login
- in person – at any of our Housing Services offices in Brighton, Eastbourne or Hastings
For further information about making a complaint, please see our leaflet called Complaints.
How do I make a claim for compensation?
On occasions, BHT will consider paying compensation to residents when BHT is at fault and when it is deemed appropriate to make a financial payment as part of putting matters right.
Any claim for Compensation must be put in writing to BHT which can be sent to your local office in Brighton, Eastbourne or Hastings. Or you prefer to, you can give it to your Housing Officer.
All claims made must be able to provide invoices, receipts or any other evidence of monies paid out by yourself.
If you are considering making a claim for compensation and would like further information then please contact us and we can send out a copy of BHT’s Compensation Policy.