
Support for those in their old age looks different for everyone. This is why our East Sussex Floating Support Service individually tailors support to each person we serve. Stan’s case exemplifies the importance of this way of working. This is his story.

Stan is a 90-year-old retired barrister who was referred to our East Sussex Floating Support Service by the NHS Community Frailty Practitioner Service, following his discharge from hospital after a fall. Stan is widowed, has a history of falls, and had recently moved into a sheltered housing scheme. However, the scheme had no floor coverings, contributing to his ongoing risk of falls.

Due to his hearing difficulties, Stan preferred communication via text or email, with face-to-face communication being facilitated through written notes. His income was limited to pension credit and higher rate attendance allowance, and he had not been aware of the housing benefit and council tax reduction he was eligible for.

The Initial Challenge

Our staff had a number of concerns and challenges when we first met Stan. He had a history of falls, which placed him at high risk of further injury, exacerbated by the lack of floor coverings in his home. He was also facing some financial challenges as he had spent his savings on care home fees for his late wife, leaving him financially strained. He was not aware of housing benefit or council tax reduction available to him, which meant he was not receiving the financial assistance to which he was entitled. Additionally, he was struggling to set up payments to Southern Water, resulting in confusion over his water bill and payment history.

On top of the safety and financial challenges, Stan was also experiencing a lack of confidence due to his recent fall and was no longer able to travel alone to Lincoln’s Inn in London, where he used to regularly meet with ex-colleagues and attend events. He was feeling isolated and longed to resume his social activities and interactions, but his mobility limitations made this difficult.

Our Intervention

We first supported Stan with his financial and housing challenges. We assisted him in applying for housing benefit and council tax reduction, of which he was not previously aware. As a result, Stan was awarded full housing benefit and 100% council tax reduction. Additionally, Stan received a rent refund from his landlord for overpayments made in previous months. We also helped Stan set up direct debit payments for his water bills after contacting Southern Water, ensuring all previous payments were credited to his account.

Stan’s housing situation posed a significant risk to his mobility, as his flat had no floor coverings. We connected him with the Barristers Benevolent Association (BBA), an organization that supports retired barristers facing financial hardship. The BBA agreed to fund the cost of carpeting Stan’s entire flat, reducing his risk of falls and improving his quality of life.

To help Stan return to his social activities at Lincoln’s Inn, he needed assistance with travel. We contacted Hastings Voluntary Action and Hastings Heart to explore potential solutions for providing a travel companion. Hastings Heart was able to offer a volunteer who would accompany Stan on his travels to London, helping him regain his confidence in socializing and maintaining important connections with his former colleagues. To help with the cost of travelling to Lincoln’s Inn the Barristers Benevolent Association also agreed to provide Stan with £100 per month for one year.

Stan’s application for financial assistance through housing benefit and council tax reduction was successful, and he received a rent refund for overpayments.

The Impact

Through a combination of financial advice, social support, and health-related assistance, ESFSS was able to help Stan regain his independence, improve his living conditions, and restore his confidence. Stan’s case is a strong example of how targeted intervention can make a significant impact on the lives of vulnerable individuals.

Help us protect people like Stan by signing our petition to stop budget cuts of £4 million to the East Sussex Floating Support Service.
You can read more about the proposed budget cuts on our website here.

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